Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Hey, check out the tiny thumbnail slideshow happening on the right, the third item down. I'll keep adding images to it as we go. If the thumbnails are too tiny, you can see it in a larger format and with captions here.

The other option is this embed below.

So far we've had two full days in Paris, and eaten enough for five. Perhaps the only saving grace is that we walk everywhere. More soon. Trying to figure out how to add an audio item. We went to a church and heard a choir sing, and it was pretty darn angelic. I recorded a smidgen just to share. Working on that next.

Tomorrow we head to the Musee d'Orsay. It's a cool old train station that's been turned into an art gallery with sculpture and Impressionists in it. We also hope to get over to an Obama-inspired art show. He's very big here, embraced as a savior not only of the US but maybe the world. Can't wait to see what art this has inspired among French creatives.

1 comment:

Peter Dunlap-Shohl said...

Hey Kathleen and Peter, some of my favorite pieces of art are in the Musee D'Orsay. No, not those spectacular Monets or elegant Degas dancers.. There is a fantastic collection of clay caricature models by Daumier. They are small, but pack an artistic wallop.